Victoria Falls from Kasane
Many people go to Victoria Falls from Kasane, because it´s just around 100 km
east of Kasane. The Chobe river joins the Zambezi River not far away.
We didn´t go in that moment because we will
visit the falls latter when visiting Zimbabwe
and Zambia
(travelling by public transport, january 2015. You can read the complete information in these countries).
Here´s the information from Kasane and it can be useful for you.
Here´s the information from Kasane and it can be useful for you.
Victoria Falls, Zambia and/or Zimbabwe from Kasane
You have many tours
or transport from the hotels or agencies in Kasane.
reference, Chobe Safari Lodge offers return transport to Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe).
Price: 620
P/p (54 €). Quite expensive!
The service is from 8:00 (go) til 17:00 (back).
But enquire around Kasane as probably other cheaper options of transport... or you can hitch-hike (Kasane is only 10 km from the international road... cheap local vans go there... and from there many truck going to Livingstone-Zambia... maybe less traffic going to Zimbabwe... Try!).
But enquire around Kasane as probably other cheaper options of transport... or you can hitch-hike (Kasane is only 10 km from the international road... cheap local vans go there... and from there many truck going to Livingstone-Zambia... maybe less traffic going to Zimbabwe... Try!).
If you want to go, keep in mind:
- Most of the foreigners need visas for Zimbabwe and Zambia. Usually, visa on arrival, which is 20 $/day for both countries or 30$ Zimbabwe and 50$ Zambia for a 30 days visa (or 50 $ for the new Kaza Zambia-Zimbabwe visa for 30 days).
- The entrance fees to the falls are:30 $ Zimbabwe side and 20$ Zambia.
- So a day trip to the falls from Kasane will at least cost you around 100 € (and just visiting one side-one country of the falls). Less if hitch-hiking... but start early!
- If you are travelling by car, you have to pay border taxes (and not too cheap, maybe around 50 $ in Zambia and 80$ in Zimbabwe). And if rental car most of the companies will charge you an extra fee and will not allow to continue further from Victoria Falls or Livingstone. So maybe a tour or public transport is better in that case.
Hola Ainara y Sonia! Estuvimos a principio de este año en las Victoria desde Kasane. Allí peinamos la zona buscando la opción más económica. Como también queríamos hacer el safari boat (fantástico!) intentamos regatear con las agencias para que nos hicieran precio por los dos viajes. Hablando con algunos turistas locales, nos dimos cuenta de que los precios variaban mucho si eran para africanos o extranjeros. Tras recorrer las siete u ocho que nos encontramos, conseguimos los dos viajes (Victoria + Safari Boat) para dos personas por 1000 pulas (85 €). Lo conseguimos en una caseta detrás del Spar, una agencia de estética más cutre destinada al turismo de locales. Una vez en la furgo camino a las cataratas, los locales nos dijeron que pagaban 200 pulas cada uno (17 €). La cuestión es no tener miedo a regatear (no siempre funciona pero merece la pena) y buscar las agencias para africanos, ya que ellos pagan menos. Un abrazo y disfrutad de vuestra nueva aventura!
ResponderEliminarP.D. Por supuesto, el visado a Zimbawe sigue siendo 30 $ y la entrada a las cataratas 25 €.
ResponderEliminarMuchas gracias Proyecta por compartir estos datos tan valiosos! Los incluimos en el post para que ayuden a otros viajeros.