Food and drinks in Namibia, for low cost travellers.
3 months road
trip in Southern Africa,
Namibia, Botswana,
South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland.
October - December 2014
Average exchange rate: 1 € = 13,75 N$
In the Namibian
towns, not too many restaurants outside the hotels and camps. There are a few
fast food franchises, usually at the shopping malls and near the supermarkets
and some small stalls with snacks and drinks.
in Namibia
supermarkets have a “take away” section, and it´s the cheapest option if you don´t want to cook (less
than 2 € for a dish, prices are usually per kg, and also offer snacks).
Possible to
pay with credit card.
times vary a lot from town to town. Usually open til 18:00 or 19:00 and more
limited on Saturdays and Sundays.
You find
everything needed at the supermarket, high standart and clean.
Most of the stuff comes from South Africa but prices are quite similar. Meat is really cheap, around 4 €/kg. Bakery is fresh.
Most of the stuff comes from South Africa but prices are quite similar. Meat is really cheap, around 4 €/kg. Bakery is fresh.
If there´s
no kitchen in your camp, you can always do a BBQ. Coal and wood are sold everywhere
(around 2 or 3 €) or you can take sticks.
Drinking water in Namibia
Tap water
is usually safe to drink, except sometimes in remotes northern places. Just
We drank it and never had any problem.
We drank it and never had any problem.
Alcohol in Namibia
Sold at the
bottle shops, at the sides of the supermarkets and you also find beers at the
supermarkets. More expensive at the hotels.
Namibia has many famous local beers. Prices
are quite cheap, a small beer (33cl) costs 8-9 N$ (around 0.60 €).
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